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Inici Política de cookies

Política de cookies

Política de cookies

En compliment amb el deure d'informació recollit en l'apartat 2n de l'article 22 de la Llei 34/2002, d'11 de Juliol, de Serveis de la Societat de la Informació i del Comerç Electrònic, la present política de cookies té per finalitat informar-lo de manera clara i precisa sobre les cookies que s'utilitzen en la pàgina web de Castanya de Viladrau, S.C.P..

Què són les cookies?

Una cookie és un fitxer de petita grandària que els llocs web envien al navegador i es descarreguen en el seu ordinador. Les cookies permeten que la pàgina web emmagatzemi i recuperi la informació sobre la seva visita, com el seu idioma preferit i altres opcions, amb la finalitat de millorar els serveis que s'ofereixen i contribuir a tenir una millor experiència de navegació per a l'usuari.

Tipus de cookies

En funció de qui gestioni el domini des d'on s'envien les cookies i es tractin les dades, es distingirà entre cookies pròpies i cookies de tercers.

Les cookies també poden classificar-se segons el termini de temps que romanguin emmagatzemades en el navegador de l'usuari, distingint-se entre cookies de sessió o cookies persistents.

Finalment, en funció de la finalitat per a la qual es tracti la informació recopilada, les cookies es poden classificar en les següents categories:

 Cookies tècniques: permeten a l'usuari navegar per un lloc web i utilitzar alguns dels serveis oferts pel mateix (com per exemple, les que serveixen per a recordar els elements integrants d'un carret de compra).

 Cookies de personalització: permeten que l'usuari accedeixi al lloc web amb unes característiques determinades, com pot ser l'idioma.

Cookies de seguretat: serveixen per a impedir o dificultar els atacs contra el lloc web.

Cookies de complement per a intercanviar continguts socials: els anomenats plug-*in, que permeten compartir continguts en xarxes socials.

 Cookies d'anàlisis: permeten al responsable el seguiment del comportament de l'usuari.

Cookies publicitàries: permeten gestionar els espais de publicitat del lloc web.

 Cookies de publicitat comportamental: com les anteriors, serveixen per a gestionar els espais de publicitat del lloc web en funció de la informació recollida sobre el comportament de l'usuari i els seus hàbits, adaptant la publicitat al perfil de l'usuari.

 Cookies de geolocalització: utilitzades per a esbrinar el país on es troba l'usuari.

Autorització per a l'ús de cookies

De conformitat amb l'avís de cookies que apareix en el lloc web, l'usuari pot consentir expressament l'ús de cookies que requereixin consentiment; no obstant això, l'ús de cookies tècniques o necessàries no requereix de consentiment. Sense perjudici de tot això, l'usuari pot modificar la configuració del seu navegador per a rebutjar l'ús de les cookies.

Com modificar la configuració de les cookies

Vostè pot restringir, bloquejar o esborrar les cookies de Castanya de Viladrau, S.C.P. o qualsevol altra pàgina web utilitzant el seu navegador. En cada navegador l'operativa és diferent, pot trobar com fer-ho en el menú d'ajuda del seu navegador on s'estableix el procediment per a la seva eliminació. Per a més informació:

 Google Chrome:


 Mozilla Firefox: https://support.mozilla.org/es/kb/habilitar-y-deshabilitar-cookies-sitios-web-rastrear-preferencias

 Safari: https://support.apple.com/guide/safari/sfri11471/mac

 Internet Explorer: https://support.microsoft.com/help/278835/how-to-delete-cookie-files-in-internet-explorer

És possible que en deshabilitar les cookies la pàgina web no funcioni correctament o no pugui accedir a determinades funcions d'aquesta.

Cookies utilitzades en la web

En el portal web s'utilitzen diferents tipus de cookies amb diferents finalitats, a continuació s'enumeren les cookies emprades:

Category: Necessary (2)

Necessary cookies help make a website usable by enabling basic functions like page navigation and access to secure areas of the website. The website cannot function properly without these cookies.

  COOKIE NAME                                      PROVIDER                                                               TYPE             EXPIRY

ASPSESSIONID#                 castanyadeviladrau.cat       HTTP    Session

First found URL: http://w w w .castanyadeviladrau.cat/ Cookie purpose description: Preserves users states across page requests.

Initiator: W ebserver

Source: castanyadeviladrau.cat

Data is sent to: Spain (adequate)

Adequate country under GDPR (EU) cid                                       sojern.com HTTP    1 year

First found URL: http://www .castanyadeviladrau.cat/apartat.asp?c=16

Cookie purpose description: This cookie is necessary for making credit card transactions on the w ebsite. The service is provided by Stripe.com w hich allow s online transactions w ithout storing any credit card information.

Initiator: Script tag, page source line number -1

Source:https://pixel.sojern.com/idSync/AdX?exchangeProfileId=sjrn_id=OcZ37yw FS3mSZk58IEpoVthrgjZE7JRYLGbcudhX1kLUNIS3NoDT MuGHJFM2_Z7Dgoogle_gid=CAESEPzw beH_SI8B0W PqzJs3zL0google_cver=1

Via https://www.jscache.com/wejs?w type=cdsscrollingravew

ideuniq=27locationId=3505141lang=esborder=trueshadow =truebackgro undColor=graydisplay_version=2 Data is sent to: United States (adequate)

Adequate country under GDPR (EU)

Category: Statistics (7)

Statistic cookies help website owners to understand how visitors interact with websites by collecting and reporting information anonymously.

First found URL: http://w w w .castanyadeviladrau.cat/

Cookie purpose description: Used by Google Analytics to throttle request rate

Initiator: Script tag, page source line number 81

Blocked until accepted by user: No

First found URL: http://w w w .castanyadeviladrau.cat/

Cookie purpose description: Used to send data to Google Analytics about the visitor's device and behavior. Tracks the visitor across devices and marketing channels.

Initiator: Script tag, page source line number 81

Source: https://w w w .google-analytics.com/collect?v=1_v=j82a=1538396935t=pageview

_s=2dl=http%3A%2F%2Fw w w .castanyadeviladr au.cat%2Ful=en-usde=w indow s-

1252dt=Castanya%20de%20Viladrausd=24-bitsr=1024x768vp=1000x725je=0_u=KEBAAEAB~jid=gjid= cid=1894692022.1590581411tid=UA-84130153-1_gid=680658550.1590581411z=120475325 via https://w w w .google-analytics.com/analytics.js

First found URL: http://w w w .castanyadeviladrau.cat/apartat.asp?c=16

Cookie purpose description: This cookie allow s the visitor to view embedded content from Tripadvisor, such as advertisement. - This cookie is also used by the w ebsite to determine if visitor's click on the advertsements, in order to collect payment from Tripadviser.

Initiator: Script tag, page source line number 211

Source: https://w w w .tripadvisor.com/img2/t4b/stacked_ta_logo.png

Category: Marketing (33)

Marketing cookies are used to track visitors across websites. The intention is to display ads that are relevant and engaging for the individual user and thereby more valuable for publishers and third party advertisers.

COOKIE NAME                       PROVIDER                    TYPE  EXPIRY

#.gif                                                rlcdn.com              Pixel    Session

First found URL: http://w w w


Cookie purpose description: Unclassified                               

Initiator: Script tag, page source line number 19 Source: https://idsync.rlcdn.com/394499.gif? partner_uid=3013724583411 via http://w w w


Data is sent to: United States (adequate) Adequate country under GDPR (EU)

aackid                                            adaraanalytics.com  HTTP 1 year

First found URL: http://w w w .castanyadeviladrau.cat/apartat.asp?c=16

Cookie purpose description: Collects data on visitors' preferences and behaviour on the w ebsite - This information is used make content and advertisement more relevant to the specific visitor.

Initiator: Script tag, page source line number 65

Source: https://tag.yieldoptimizer.com/ps/ps?t=ip=1374pg=gshsync=1si=st-profileuex=aef0bc0c-4f25-

4de2-bc08-5d388fa151a8 via https://w w w .google-analytics.com/analytics.js

First found URL: http://w w w .castanyadeviladrau.cat/apartat.asp?c=16

Cookie purpose description: Used to track visitors on multiple w ebsites, in order to present relevant advertisement based on the visitor's preferences.

Initiator: Script tag, page source line number 65

Source: https://tag.yieldoptimizer.com/ps/ps?t=ip=1374pg=gshsync=1si=st-profileuex=aef0bc0c-4f25-

4de2-bc08-5d388fa151a8 via https://w w w .google-analytics.com/analytics.js

First found URL: http://w w w .castanyadeviladrau.cat/apartat.asp?c=16

Cookie purpose description: Used to track visitors on multiple w ebsites, in order to present relevant advertisement based on the visitor's preferences.

Initiator: Script tag, page source line number -1

Source: https://www.jscache.com/wejs?w type=cdsscrollingravew

ideuniq=27locationId=3505141lang=esborder=trueshadow =trueback groundColor=graydisplay_version=2

Data is sent to: United States (adequate)

Adequate country under GDPR (EU) Blocked until accepted by user: No

   fbh0                                              yieldoptimizer.com                    HTTP      1 year

First found URL: http://w w w .castanyadeviladrau.cat/apartat.asp?c=16

Cookie purpose description: Collects data on visitor behaviour from multiple w ebsites, in order to present more relevant advertisement - This also allow s the w ebsite to limit the number of times that they are show n the same advertisement.

Initiator: Script tag, page source line number -1

Source: https://tag.yieldoptimizer.com/ps/ps?tc=495566143t=ip=1374pg=gshsync=1si=stprofileuex=aef0bc0c-4f25-4de2-bc08-5d388f a151a8 via https://w w w .jscache.com/w ejs?w type=cdsscrollingravew

ideuniq=27locationId=3505141lang=esborder=trueshadow =truebackgro undColor=graydisplay_version=2 Data is sent to: United States (adequate) Adequate country under GDPR (EU) Blocked until accepted by user: No

  gcma                                             yieldoptimizer.com                    HTTP      1 year

First found URL: http://w w w .castanyadeviladrau.cat/apartat.asp?c=16

Cookie purpose description: Collects data on visitor behaviour from multiple w ebsites, in order to present more relevant advertisement - This also allow s the w ebsite to limit the number of times that they are show n the same advertisement.

Initiator: Script tag, page source line number -1

Source: https://tag.yieldoptimizer.com/ps/ps?tc=495566143t=ip=1374pg=gshsync=1si=stprofileuex=aef0bc0c-4f25-4de2-bc08-5d388f a151a8 via https://w w w .jscache.com/w ejs?w type=cdsscrollingravew

ideuniq=27locationId=3505141lang=esborder=trueshadow =truebackgro undColor=graydisplay_version=2

Data is sent to: United States (adequate)

Adequate country under GDPR (EU) Blocked until accepted by user: No

   gid                                                  sojern.com                               HTTP      1 year

First found URL: http://w w w .castanyadeviladrau.cat/apartat.asp?c=16

Cookie purpose description: This cookie is set to collect information on user behavior and navigation w hich is used to optimize the w e bsite - The cookie also allow s Google Ads and Google Analytics to compile information on visitors for marketing purposes.

Initiator: Script tag, page source line number -1

Source: https://pixel.sojern.com/idSync/AdX?exchangeProfileId=sjrn_id=OcZ37yw

FS3mSZk58IEpoVthrgjZE7JRYLGbcudhX1kLUNIS3NoDT MuGHJFM2_Z7Dgoogle_gid=CAESEPzw beH_SI8B0W PqzJs3zL0google_cver=1 via https://w w w .jscache.com/w ejs?w type=cdsscrollingravew

ideuniq=27locationId=3505141lang=esborder=trueshadow =truebackgro undColor=graydisplay_version=2 Data is sent to: United States (adequate) Adequate country under GDPR (EU)

Blocked until accepted by user: No

   IDE                                                doubleclick.net                          HTTP      1 year

First found URL: http://w w w .castanyadeviladrau.cat/apartat.asp?c=16

Cookie purpose description: Used by Google DoubleClick to register and report the w ebsite user's actions after view ing or clicking one of the advertiser's ads w ith the purpose of measuring the efficacy of an ad and to present targeted ads to the user.

Initiator: Script tag, page source line number -1

Source: https://w w w .jscache.com/w ejs?w type=cdsscrollingravew

ideuniq=27locationId=3505141lang=esborder=trueshadow =trueback groundColor=graydisplay_version=2

Data is sent to: United States (adequate)

Adequate country under GDPR (EU) Blocked until accepted by user: No

 idSync/AdX                                     pixel.sojern.com                        Pixel       Session

First found URL: http://w w w .castanyadeviladrau.cat/apartat.asp?c=16

Cookie purpose description: Detects w hether partner data synchronization is functioning and currently running - This function sends user data betw een third-party advertisement companies for the purpose of targeted advertisements.

Initiator: Script tag, page source line number -1

Source: https://pixel.sojern.com/idSync/AdX?exchangeProfileId=sjrn_id=OcZ37yw

FS3mSZk58IEpoVthrgjZE7JRYLGbcudhX1kLUNIS3NoDT MuGHJFM2_Z7Dgoogle_gid=CAESEPzw beH_SI8B0W PqzJs3zL0google_cver=1 via https://w w w .jscache.com/w ejs?w type=cdsscrollingravew

ideuniq=27locationId=3505141lang=esborder=trueshadow =truebackgro undColor=graydisplay_version=2

Data is sent to: United States (adequate) Adequate country under GDPR (EU)

 pagead/1p-user-list/#                      google.com                              Pixel       Session

First found URL: http://w w w .castanyadeviladrau.cat/apartat.asp?c=16

Cookie purpose description: Unclassified

Initiator: Script tag, page source line number 19

Source: https://w w w .google.ie/pagead/1p-user-list/1044284962/?value=0label=6Rz1CJr54w



KzQFGg3fFxKv8GqCbrandom=1886347874ipr=y via http://w w w


Data is sent to: United States (adequate) Adequate country under GDPR (EU)

   ph                                                 yieldoptimizer.com                    HTTP      1 year

First found URL: http://w w w .castanyadeviladrau.cat/apartat.asp?c=16

Cookie purpose description: Collects data on visitor behaviour from multiple w ebsites, in order to present more relevant advertisement - This also allow s the w ebsite to limit the number of times that they are show n the same advertisement.

Initiator: Script tag, page source line number -1

Source: https://tag.yieldoptimizer.com/ps/ps?tc=495566143t=ip=1374pg=gshsync=1si=stprofileuex=aef0bc0c-4f25-4de2-bc08-5d388f a151a8 via https://w w w .jscache.com/w ejs?w type=cdsscrollingravew

ideuniq=27locationId=3505141lang=esborder=trueshadow =truebackgro undColor=graydisplay_version=2 Data is sent to: United States (adequate)

Adequate country under GDPR (EU)

Blocked until accepted by user: No

   PMC                                               tripadvisor.com                         HTTP      2 years

First found URL: http://w w w .castanyadeviladrau.cat/apartat.asp?c=16

Cookie purpose description: This cookie allow s the visitor to view embedded content from Tripadvisor, such as advertisement. - This cookie is also used by the w ebsite to determine if visitor's click on the advertsements, in order to collect payment from Tripadviser.

Initiator: Script tag, page source line number 211

Source: https://w w w .tripadvisor.com/img2/t4b/stacked_ta_logo.png via https://static.tacdn.com/img2/t4b/stacked_ta_logo.png Data is sent to: United States (adequate)

Adequate country under GDPR (EU) Blocked until accepted by user: No

  ps/cmap                                         yieldoptimizer.com                    Pixel       Session

First found URL: http://w w w .castanyadeviladrau.cat/apartat.asp?c=16

Cookie purpose description: Determines how the user accessed the w ebsite. This information is used by the w ebsite operator in order to measure the efficiency of their marketing.

Initiator: Script tag, page source line number -1

Source: https://tag.yieldoptimizer.com/ps/cmap?t=in=20x=google_gid=CAESEDYY4-QBW n86LQtzRqfQ4uAgoogle_cver=1 via https://w w w .jscache.com/w ejs?w type=cdsscrollingravew ideuniq=27locationId=3505141lang=esborder=trueshadow =truebackgro undColor=graydisplay_version=2

Data is sent to: United States (adequate) Adequate country under GDPR (EU)

  ps/ps                                             yieldoptimizer.com                    Pixel       Session

First found URL: http://w w w .castanyadeviladrau.cat/apartat.asp?c=16

Cookie purpose description: Determines how the user accessed the w ebsite. This information is used by the w ebsite operator in order to measure the efficiency of their marketing.

Initiator: Script tag, page source line number -1

Source: https://tag.yieldoptimizer.com/ps/ps?tc=495566143t=ip=1374pg=gshsync=1si=stprofileuex=aef0bc0c-4f25-4de2-bc08-5d388f a151a8 via https://w w w .jscache.com/w ejs?w type=cdsscrollingravew

ideuniq=27locationId=3505141lang=esborder=trueshadow =truebackgro undColor=graydisplay_version=2

First found URL: http://w w w .castanyadeviladrau.cat/apartat.asp?c=16

Cookie purpose description: Collects visitor data related to the user's visits to the w ebsite, such as the number of visits, average time spent on the w ebsite and w hat pages have been loaded, w ith the purpose of displaying targeted ads.

Initiator: Script tag, page source line number 19

Source: https://tag.yieldoptimizer.com/ps/ps?t=ip=1374pg=gshsync=1si=st-profileuex=aef0bc0c-4f25-

4de2-bc08-5d388fa151a8 Data is sent to: United States (adequate)

First found URL: http://w w w .castanyadeviladrau.cat/apartat.asp?c=16

Cookie purpose description: This cookie is set by the audience manager of the w ebsite to determine the time and frequencies of visitor data synchronization - cookie data synchronization is used to synchronize and gather visitor data from several w ebsites.

Initiator: Script tag, page source line number -1

Source: https://w w w .jscache.com/w ejs?w type=cdsscrollingravew

ideuniq=27locationId=3505141lang=esborder=trueshadow =trueback groundColor=graydisplay_version=2 Data is sent to: United States (adequate) Adequate country under GDPR (EU) Blocked until accepted by user: No

 sa_dmp_synced                                p.travelsmarter.net                     HTTP      29 days

First found URL: http://w w w .castanyadeviladrau.cat/apartat.asp?c=16

Cookie purpose description: This cookie is set by the audience manager of the w ebsite to determine the time and frequencies of visitor data synchronization - cookie data synchronization is used to synchronize and gather visitor data from several w ebsites.

Initiator: Script tag, page source line number -1

Source: https://w w w .jscache.com/w ejs?w type=cdsscrollingravew

ideuniq=27locationId=3505141lang=esborder=trueshadow =trueback groundColor=graydisplay_version=2

Data is sent to: United States (adequate) Adequate country under GDPR (EU)

Blocked until accepted by user: No








First found URL: http://w w w .castanyadeviladrau.cat/apartat.asp?c=16

Cookie purpose description: Used for view ing embedded content from TripAdvisor, including payment of referral commission fees and user tracking across w ebsites.

Initiator: Script tag, page source line number 211

Source: https://w w w .tripadvisor.com/img2/t4b/stacked_ta_logo.png via https://static.tacdn.com/img2/t4b/stacked_ta_logo.png

Data is sent to: United States (adequate)

Adequate country under GDPR (EU)

Blocked until accepted by user: No

  SRT                                                tripadvisor.com                         HTTP      Session

First found URL: http://w w w .castanyadeviladrau.cat/apartat.asp?c=16

Cookie purpose description: This cookie allow s the visitor to view embedded content from Tripadvisor, such as advertisement. - This co okie is also used by the w ebsite to determine if visitor's click on the advertsements, in order to collect payment from Tripadviser.

Initiator: Script tag, page source line number -1

Source: https://w w w .tripadvisor.es/W idgetEmbed-cdsscrollingravew ide?

border=truebackgroundColor=grayshadow =truelocationId=3


via https://w w w .jscache.com/w ejs?w type=cdsscrollingravew

ideuniq=27locationId=3505141lang=esborder=trueshadow =truebackgro undColor=graydisplay_version=2

Data is sent to: United States (adequate)

Adequate country under GDPR (EU) Blocked until accepted by user: No

 st_browser_id                                  travelsmarter.net                       HTTP      1 year

First found URL: http://w w w .castanyadeviladrau.cat/apartat.asp?c=16

Cookie purpose description: Sets a unique ID for the visitor, that allow s third party advertisers to target the visitor w ith relevant advertisement. This pairing service is provided by third party advertisement hubs, w hich facilitates real-time bidding for advertisers.

Initiator: Script tag, page source line number -1

Source: https://w w w .jscache.com/w ejs?w type=cdsscrollingravew

ideuniq=27locationId=3505141lang=esborder=trueshadow =trueback groundColor=graydisplay_version=2

Blocked until accepted by user: No

First found URL: http://w w w .castanyadeviladrau.cat/apartat.asp?c=16

Cookie purpose description: Used for view ing embedded content from TripAdvisor, including payment of referral commission fees and user tracking across w ebsites.

Initiator: Script tag, page source line number -1

Source: https://w w w .tripadvisor.com/w ejs?w type=cdsscrollingravew

ideuniq=27locationId=3505141lang=esborder=trueshadow =true backgroundColor=graydisplay_version=2 via https://w w w .jscache.com/w ejs?w type=cdsscrollingravew

ideuniq=27locationId=3505141lang=esborder=trueshadow =truebackgro undColor=graydisplay_version=2

Blocked until accepted by user: No

First found URL: http://w w w .castanyadeviladrau.cat/apartat.asp?c=16

Cookie purpose description: Used for view ing embedded content from TripAdvisor, including payment of referral commission fees and user tracking across w ebsites.

Initiator: Script tag, page source line number 211

Source: https://w w w .tripadvisor.com/img2/t4b/stacked_ta_logo.png

First found URL: http://w w w .castanyadeviladrau.cat/apartat.asp?c=16

Cookie purpose description: Used for view ing embedded content from TripAdvisor, including payment of referral commission fees and user tracking across w ebsites.

Initiator: Script tag, page source line number 211

Source: https://w w w .tripadvisor.com/img2/t4b/stacked_ta_logo.png

First found URL: http://w w w .castanyadeviladrau.cat/apartat.asp?c=16

Cookie purpose description: Registers a unique ID that identifies a returning user's device. The ID is used for targeted ads.

Initiator: Script tag, page source line number 22

Source: http://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.min.js Data is sent to: United States (adequate)

Adequate country under GDPR (EU)

test_cookie                                    doubleclick.net                          HTTP      1 day

First found URL: http://w w w .castanyadeviladrau.cat/apartat.asp?c=16 Cookie purpose description: Used to check if the user's brow ser supports cookies.

Initiator: Script tag, page source line number -1

Source: https://w w w .jscache.com/w ejs?w type=cdsscrollingravew ideuniq=27locationId=3505141lang=esborder=trueshadow =trueback groundColor=graydisplay_version=2 Data is sent to: United States


Adequate country under GDPR (EU)

Blocked until accepted by user: No

Category: Unclassified (1)

Unclassified cookies are cookies that we are in the process of classifying, together with the providers of individual cookies.

  COOKIE NAME                                         PROVIDER                                           TYPE                      EXPIRY

adh                                        sojern.com

First found URL: http://w w w


Cookie purpose description: Unclassified

Initiator: Script tag, page source line number 19

Source: https://pixel.sojern.com/pixel/partner/img/eh8nG4NDXW vIHGsf/hp via http://w w w .castanyadeviladrau.cat/js/utils.js

Data is sent to: United States (adequate)

Adequate country under GDPR (EU)


7 days

Modificació de les condicions

Castanya de Viladrau, S.C.P. es reserva expressament el dret a modificar unilateralment, totalment o parcialment, sense necessitat de previ avís, la present Política de Cookies. L'usuari reconeix i accepta que és la seva responsabilitat revisar la present Política de Cookies.
